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MemoDefend - They're the easiest way to make you smile, and feel good. Simply write down 10 positive phrases on sticky notes. They might be general, like, "I matter and what I have to offer matters" or, "I'm taking steps to better myself". You can write more if you'd like. Now post them in places you look often. On the bathroom mirror, on your computer monitor, the fridge, or next to your speedometer in your car (make sure you don't cover any of those important flashing lights). You don't have to say them out loud if you don't want to, but I would urge you to do so. I do want you to read them every day though. I change mine every 30 days or so to keep it fresh. You'll be amazed at how something so simple can change your mind-set in a second. Th following story is true in all things:

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Memo Defend
MemoDefend Take time to do some breathing exercises. I've said it before and I'll say it again. To control your breath is to control yourself. I have a whole other blog post on breathing. I also have some videos showing a couple of simple exercises you can try. I stumbled on the 1:2 technique when I decided I wanted to free-dive. One of those life changing decisions for me. Simply get into a comfortable position, Inhale through your nose using your diaphragm(not your chest). For every second you inhale exhale for double that. (example: if you inhale for 3 secs exhale for 6 secs) Create time to reflect on your day. I know it's hard, believe me I know. It is important to document your progress and the only way to that is to keep a record. If you handled a situation better than you thought, write it down. If you thought you could have done a better job with something, write down how you might have done better this way when the situation comes up again you'll be prepared.